Wing & Pizza Night!

We are beyond grateful for the amount of support we receive from our community members. It’s so nice to know that you share our mission of igniting the power and potential of young people.

Wing & Pizza Night has been going strong for 30 years for the purpose of raising funds for the children and youth of North Durham. Early intervention by the Big Brothers Big Sisters team can help prevent the physical and mental effects that adverse childhood experiences can cause. By attending our events, donating your time as a mentor or financially as a donor, you’re giving a child a chance at a better future.

There is no amount of words that can express how much we appreciate your support. Thank you to all of you for attending our Wing & Pizza Night, to our volunteers and board members that put so much time and energy in to the event. Thank you to our sponsors, restaurant partners and to all the businesses that generously donated items for our auction. We could not do this without you. Together, we make a difference!

We truly appreciate your support!