Our programs are offered free of charge and open to all children and youth of all gender identities in North Durham (Scugog, Uxbridge and Brock).

What is the In School Mentoring (ISM) program?

The ISM program provides students in Grades 1 through 8 with a mentor 1 hour per week during school hours.  Matches have no contact outside of school and do not meet outside of school hours, over the summer break or school holidays.

Mentors meet with their Mentee at the school to engage in activities like board games, crafts, spend time outdoors or just hang out and chat within school grounds.

In School Mentors provide a student with a 1 hour break from school to spend time doing activities they choose and have someone completely focused on them.

Our volunteer mentors provide a child with a caring, supportive adult who is ready to challenge their growth, expand possibilities, express care and provide support so that they are positioned to thrive.

What is the process to become an In School Mentor?

The first step to becoming an In School Mentor is to complete our Volunteer Inquiry Form and then have a quick phone chat with our ISM Coordinator. She will tell you more about the program, answer any questions, and get you started with our Volunteer Application.

The Volunteer Application and Interview help us get to know you better so that when it comes time to match you with a student she can best match you with a match your interests.

The next step is to complete our Volunteer Training Program (approx. 2 hours). The training has been developed by BBBBS Canada and helps set you up for success as a Mentor.

Once you complete the training and provide a clear Vulnerable Sector Screening, our ISM Coordinator will review the students waiting for a Mentor and proceed with getting your match started!

Our ISM Coordinator is here to help you every step of the way. She will be with you for your Match Introduction and will check in with you monthly for updates on your match.

How do I enroll my child in the ISM program?

We can help you get started with the process to enroll your child in the program. After you’ve had a chat on the phone, our Mentoring Coordinators will provide you with an application form to complete.

Once that is complete, we will connect with your child’s school while also reviewing our list of available mentors.

When all the pieces are in place, we will work with a liaison from the school to set up the match!

For more information please contact us at:

905-985-3733 ext. 1